January 20, 2016

Thank you so much My LOVE!!

Dear Nur..

I realized of your changes these few days. You seems to be more joyous and cheerful. Perhaps, you become more realizing of your identity and your Oness with the world. Whatever it is, feel the feeling, enjoy and embrace it. 

That is Love !

That feeling will helps you maintain a perfect harmony with world. Love like a child, because a child is an embodiment of love. It has no motive, no desire, no personal attachment. It is not being a lover but is love itself. You will become a centre of attraction in the world.

 A true human being !

Your auspicious way of passion writtings, explained everything about you.

Keep it up. Embrace your Self ...

Wish you having a good time all the way.

Take care.


BEBASKAN ! BIARKAN CINTA meWARNAI serta mengHARMONIkan keHIDUPan. APABILA CINTA ..memenuhi, meliputi segenapnya tanpa batasan. Runtuhlah segala dinding-dinding yang menghalang pandangan itu. Hukum menghukum, salah menyalahkan, syak wasangka pasti! tiada lagi tersimpul dalam lipatan. Nikmatilah ia tanpa ragu-ragu lagi. Seandainya Yakin Akan Cinta itu, ia tetapi akan kembali jua kepadamu biarpun apa jua aral melintang.




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